Preparing for Your Buffet Event

Food buffets are a go-to for many events for their ease and options. While CKC Good Food Event Catering takes care of the food and service dishes your buffet requires, we still need your help with a few details to ensure your buffet is ready for service when your event starts.

Venue Access

Make sure we have easy access to the event venue, including loading zones and parking information. Direct us to the door closest to the room where the event will be held.

Onsite Contact

Provide us with cell phone numbers for key personnel, such as the event coordinator or the facilities manager, if you are unavailable. Office phone numbers aren't always helpful.

Setup Location

Guide us to where you have the table setup for the buffet and discuss any specific layout or decorations you have in mind. We also recommend that your table be clean and/or covered in a tablecloth when we arrive. We’ve seen some pretty rough looking tables that probably shouldn’t be used for serving food, if you know what we mean. We can supply tablecloths for an additional charge.


Tell us where to find utilities, like power outlets and water access. Outlets are only needed if you’ve ordered soup. For all other hot buffets, we use chafing pans and sterno burners to keep food warm without electricity.


With these few details from you, we have everything that's needed to ensure your buffet runs smoothly.